Thanks to Matt, Michael, and Patty! Michael Badger ( Patricia (Pat) Foreman ( Matt Wilkinson (

Thanks to Matt, Michael, and Patty! Michael Badger ( Patricia (Pat) Foreman ( Matt Wilkinson (
In September we had an opportunity to attend a hands-on chicken processing workshop at the Mother Earth News Fair at Seven Springs, Pennsylvania. The workshop was presented by Patricia (Patty) Foreman, Michael Badger, and Matt Wilkinson. If you know anything about poultry, you’ll know that these folks are kind of the celebrities of the chicken world. And they did a fantastic job of leading our group from a live, clucking, flapping chickens to a ready-to-package set of chicken cuts. I’ve butchered plenty of deer, squirrels, and rabbits before. But I’ve never slaughtered and processed a chicken. It’s really a very different process. But it’s really pretty simple when you have experienced people showing you how, and giving you feedback in
Wow, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted. No, we’re not closing up shop. Just running into the same thing we run into every September/October. This is our BUSY season. This time of year we’re busy closing up the garden, hunting, finishing up year-end lawn work, etc. And this year has been even more hectic than most due to the Mother Earth News Fair, some issues we had with some trees (more on that later), and the fact that we’re still trying to get our home ready for sale. Anyway, we do have some videos almost ready to post; our first experiment in making mead, one on the “tree challenge” I mentioned earlier, and a few others we have up our
We just got back from the 2014 Mother Earth News Fair held at Seven Springs Mountain Resort, PA. Had a fantastic time learning and sharing with a bunch of (mostly) like-minded people. We got a lot of great content, but it will take us a few days to get it into a form we can share. In the meantime, here are a couple of pictures of the girls learning how to milk a goat. #MotherEarthNewsFair Check back later this/next week for some of the things we saw / learned / experienced!